Suicide Prevention


When life is difficult, Samaritans are here – day or night, 365 days a year. You can call them for free on 116 123, email them at [email protected], or visit to find your nearest branch.

This illustrated lecture is for students  new to the field of mental health. The case studies are also available separately, each having a description.

This is not available on YouTube and we ask that you use the resource in a sensitive and appropriate way in teaching. For a wider discussion about the use of media when considering this topic please review the advice given by the Samaritans here.

The programme begins with the placement of suicide in the politics of health. It is a behaviour or perhaps also thought of as a symptom and we see it in three very different clinical situations.

Here are two messages to consider: It is mucher harder to predict than you might think. “Check-lists are a waste of time.” Discuss.

Leading on from that, it is not possible to stop all suicide. However, as a professional in the field you cannot avoid the subject. General management principals can and do make a difference.


Mental Health TV  is home to award winning educational programmes on Mental Health, primarily designed for students new to the field. 

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