I need a good Doctor

I need a good Doctor

During this consultation, Mr Sharp, a new patient, meets his new doctor for the first time. He brings a letter from his previous private doctor outlining his last treatment, which was minimally therapeutic. The patient is keen to pursue this ineffective therapy and seeks assistance from a trustworthy doctor. The new doctor’s problem is maintaining the patient’s confidence and gaining respect without denigrating his previous doctor’s treatment.

The story unfolds that Mr Sharp, while at Cambridge, had difficulty finding a good doctor with whom he could engage. However, he eventually alighted upon his private doctor, who had a “tremendous reputation”. The doctor didn’t believe in tests but was “very positive”. However, the doctor prescribed Vitamin B12, Valium, and Thyroid extract without ordering any tests.

The new doctor is still deciding whether to continue with this  mixture. The conversation turns to whether he will prescribe it. The patient, Mr Sharp, would receive some medication at a reduced dosage, undergo some tests, and have a follow-up appointment shortly. The patient approved the proposed strategy.

Good care makes a good doctor.

What makes a good doctor?

What can provide a patient with significant relief during a visit to the doctor?

A person who  possesses emotional intelligence can  improve the connection with their patients. Similarly, a compassionate, attentive, and good listener when interacting with patients and providing treatment is more likely to meet the patient’s needs.

Moreover, a good doctor may confidently acknowledge any knowledge gaps and, consequently, seek a clearer understanding of the illness or treatment by consulting with another doctor or a specialist.

Traditionally, we would change GPs or doctors due to moving to a new house, being taken off a patient list, or experiencing problems with our current practice.       

Are you looking for a Doctor?

You can visit My Health London, The Medical Register or NHS for help getting a new doctor and treatment. 

Furthermore, according to the NHS, here is how to register and find a local GP in your area using your postcode.

Visit  I’m looking for a Doctor  for more information.


Mental Health TV  is home to award winning educational programmes on Mental Health, Primarily designed for students new to the field. 

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